
About Me

My journey with energy work started in 1995 while my family and I were living in Hong Kong. Encouraged by a friend, I joined a workshop called Silva Method. This was the first time I learned to visualize and use my thoughts to create my desires or send healing to people who may need them.

As the years progressed, the various circumstances in my life further opened me to learn and develop other healing modalities and expand my consciousness -- firstly, to heal my body, mind and soul, and secondly, to help in healing the members of my family.  

When the energy healing and techniques I learned worked for me and my family, I decided to share the good energy and gifts to others -- friends, friends of friends and relatives.

These situations led me to develop some healing modalities that are unique to me.

Today, I continue to improve on my authenticity and consciousness evolution.  I further develop my gifts of intuition and energy work by continuously learning from various teachers of energy work and healing. 

I am sharing with you the protocols that have created a huge positive impact on me, my family and others.

-- Moi